How to Help Pets Displaced by Hurricane Harvey Flooding

As the reports of devastating flooding from Hurricane Harvey continue to worsen, Wellness Pet Food is already in the process of coordinating donations to pet shelters dealing with an influx of pets displaced by the storm. 

Here are some of the area organizations that can use your support now:

1. SPCA of Texas

Help support SPCA of Texas’ relief efforts. You can make a financial donation at or make an in-kind donation. The supplies most needed are cat litter, litter boxes, towels, blankets, large wire crates, toys, treats, pet beds, newspaper and gas gift cards. In-kind donations can be brought to the SPCA of Texas’ Jan Rees-Jones Animal Care Center in Dallas or the SPCA of Texas’ Russell H. Perry Animal Care Center in McKinney.

Additionally, the SPCA of Texas is putting out a call for foster homes to help them care for the animals already in their shelters and those coming from the Gulf Coast. It is easy to sign up at They will continue to need fosters for the pets in their care as they bring in more animals.

2. Austin Pets Alive!

Austin Pets Alive! has been helping shelters in the direct line of Hurricane Harvey. As of Saturday morning, they’ve already transported 235 displaced pets to their shelter. They are currently looking for financial support, foster through to adoption homes (2-4 weeks for dogs, 4-6 weeks for cats) and in-kind donations. You can get details on their specific needs as well as submit financial donations, here.

3. City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

San Antonio ACS has been operating an emergency shelter to care for pets displaced by Hurricane Harvey. For continuous updates on the great work they’re doing, check out their Facebook page. If you’d like to donate, you can find all the details here.

If you or someone you know is local to San Antonio or surrounding areas, Animal Care Services has a group of adoptable pets displaced by Hurricane Harvey in need of placement ASAP. You can see the adoptable pets, here. If you are interested in adopting, please contact

Photo via City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

4. Houston Humane Society

The Houston Humane Society is currently operating in a limited capacity. They will need ongoing support in the aftermath of the storm. Please consider making a monetary donation.

5. San Antonio Humane Society

The San Antonio Humane Society is currently housing pet evacuees from Hurricane Harvey. To stay up-to-date with their efforts, check out their Facebook page. You can help support their efforts by making a monetary donation, here.

If you have additional suggestions for how fellow pet parents can help Texas pets in need, please let us know by posting on our Facebook page or reaching out at 

How to Celebrate International Cat Day

international cat day

Spoil Your Cat on International Cat Day

If you’re like many cat lovers, you probably read this title and think “I spoil my cat every day.” Of course, you do!  Whether your kitty sleeps on a silken pillow and enjoys the fresh “catch of the day” or stalks the great outdoors during daylight hours, cats have certain…well…EXPECTATIONS.

As a cat lover, you know those expectations may range from enjoying their favorite treats at a specific time to enjoying an afternoon lounging in the sunshine. And why not? They do offer love and hours of entertainment.

International Cat Day was founded in 2002 by IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare. While you may not currently be in a position to adopt a cat, (maybe you already have 2,3, ahem…), here are some great ways to show your cats some extra love today.

Here are 3 Ideas to Shake Up Your Routine:

Plant Some Catnip – You may be familiar with the catnip herb. You may have even purchased catnip stuffed toys at the pet store. This year, why don’t you consider planting catnip in a pot in your home? Catnip grows well in a pot on a sunny windowsill and if your cat enjoys it, then you can provide Fluffy with hours of entertainment year-round.

cat enjoying catnip

Photo via kateieb50

Why do some cats love catnip? It’s biological. There’s a chemical inside the herb called nepetalactone and it affects your kitties’ brain so they roll around on the floor and act a little spacy.

Give Them Their Own Water Glasses – You know how cats prefer your water glass to their own bowl? Why not find some wide lipped, shorter glasses (short, cocktail type glasses work well), fill them with water and leave them near your cat’s favorite napping spots?

cat drinking from water glass

Get Them a Box – You know how cats love curling up in a box? Why not find a plastic container or cardboard box and put it out for them? It could be their new favorite place!

cat in a box

Try Out New Treats – Treats always feel like pampering time. Why not get two or three new varieties and see which ones your cat enjoys the most? Your kitty can now choose from six craveable flavors of Wellness Kittles.

Wellness Kittles Cat Treats

Get a New Collar – Fall is coming, why not give your kitty a new “outfit?”

cat wearing collar


So, there you are, five ideas for pampering your feline on National Spoil Your Cat Day. What would you add? Let us know on social: @wellnesspetfood, #WellnessCat.

20 Best Social Media Sites for Pet Owners

With the point behind social media being to engage with people of like interests, it makes sense that there are countless social media sites and accounts that pet owners can follow to get tips, share photos and videos, and to get information from other pet owners.

Catster & Dogster are the Websites for All Things Cats & Dogs

Catster and Dogster are two different websites both equally devoted to all things cats and dogs. Sign up for e-mails, ask questions and get answers about your pet, view pet photos, get tips for taking pet photos, watch videos, and more on the sites. Keep up with the latest feline pictures and news on the Catster Facebook and Twitter pages and with canines on the Dogster Facebook and Twitter pages.

Twitter’s All a Twitter for Cats & Dogs

Speaking of Twitter, the site is great for seeing the cutest, funniest, and cleverest pet photos and videos around. Start following these profiles to stay social with your pet:

  • The essential sites are @dogs for all things dogs and @cats for all things cats.
  • Keep up with the world’s most “memed” cat, Grumpy Cat by following @RealGrumpyCat
  • Check out the cutest rescuers ever, Emergency Pugs @EmergencyPugs
  • Follow professional pooches on @DogsTrust (#dogtrust; #adogisforlife; #dogsatpollingstations)
  • Crossover social media platforms by following Cats of Instagram on Twitter @catsofinstagram

Finally, share your own pet tweets with the world using the hashtags #CatsofTwitter or #DogsofTwitter.

Pets with Insta-Fame on Instagram

You can probably guess there’s a catsofinstagram page as well as a dogsofinstagram page, but there are also a lot of furry celebrities on Instagram –pets with millions of followers and for good reason.

  • Agador, the poochofnyc is the “Bob Ross of Dogs” and is hilariously photographed in a variety of outfits and scenarios.
  • Marnie of marniethedog will melt your heart. This precious Shih Tzu with a bizarrely long tongue wasn’t adopted until age 11, but with 2.1 million followers it’s safe to say she’s one of the most lovable canines ever.
  • Follow puppystagrams and tag yourself to get your puppy featured on their Instagram page.
  • For gorgeous, documentary-style puppy-soul bearing images, follow thedogist.

Picture These Pets on Pinterest

While private accounts dominate Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms, better-known names have some of the best Pinterest content. Accounts to follow are:

  • The animal cruelty prevention organization ASPCA. See ASPCA workers at work as well as adorable pets and rescues.
  • Petfinder has several boards with images, tips and furry feel-goods. Definitely pin down the pet adoption site as one to follow on Pinterest.
  • Perhaps better known as a monthly pet subscription service, BarkBox has one of the most engaging and entertaining (and helpful!) Pinterest boards around. Get dog humor, dog memes, human treats, dog projects, care tips and more.

Put Your Furriest Face(book) Forward

Like Pinterest, the top Facebook pages for pet owners to follow are those that everyone is talking about.

  • Boo, the world’s cutest dog, looks like a stuffed animal, but he’s not; he’s a pint-sized pooch with just under 17 million followers.
  • Speaking of famous pets, People Pets is the page to follow if you want to see celebrities with their furry loves.
  • Finally, what Facebook page could be more fitting for animal lovers than the Animal Planet page? It’s the place to go for all things pets and animals.

There are lots of great social media sites pet owners should follow for entertainment, information and to connect. The most important thing is finding sites that help you connect with the one you love the most—your pet.

Any site dedicated to healthy, well-loved pets warms our hearts. If you want to stay up to date on pet news and pet nutrition, follow us on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest accounts.

Photo Credit: @EmergencyPugs

Keep Your Pets Safe This July 4th

Cookouts, parades, and fireworks are mainstays of July 4th celebrations but they’re not so fun for your dogs and cats. Since dogs and cats often panic at loud noises – vacuum cleaners, thunder – it should be no surprise that fireworks won’t be fun for them.

Yet, every July 4th, well-meaning pet lovers, take their pups to fireworks celebrations or let their pets run loose at home. Many of these animals panic and run. They’ll run through open doors or gates, down the street and get disoriented because of all over town, these mini-explosions are happening.

Imagine the nightmare. Many of these animals will end up at a pet shelter, lost and confused. Sadly, only a small percentage will make it back home.

This year, the holiday is on a Tuesday which means the celebrations are likely to start days early and it’s a good idea to think about your pet’s safety ahead of time. You might even establish ground rules with your family. 

Dog and Cat Pet Safety Tips

Secure Them

Since you know Fluffy and Max are terrified by fireworks, make sure you have a secure location for them in the evenings. Some animals like their crate, if that’s the case, you can put your pet in his or her crate before the fireworks start, put a towel or blanket over the crate for an added feeling of protection, and play some quiet music.

If your pet isn’t crate trained, you can put him or her in a bedroom or another room and close the door. If you have a confined, low traffic space, your pet is less likely to get out and more likely to stay relatively calm.

If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, you’ll want to make sure kitty is in before the explosive festivities start. A panicked pet isn’t always able to find their way home.

Photograph Them

If they DO get lost, make sure you have a current photo so you can post it on social media and make posters for your neighborhood. Now, if you’re anything like us, your phone is already filled with cute pics of your pet so you’re probably covered in this department.

ID Them

Current ID Tags and microchipping can help reunite you if your pet gets out as long as these are intact and legible. Take a few minutes and look at your pet’s tags. Is the address and phone # correct? Can it be read? If not, replace them as soon as possible.

If your pet is microchipped, it’s worth checking the database to ensure the address and contact # is correct. If your pet was lost and wound up at a shelter, they’d check for a microchip to locate you. If you’re not sure if your pet is microchipped, you can call your veterinarian to see if they have a record of it and which company it’s with.

Be Proactive

While you know your dog and cat better than anyone, it’s better to take extra precautions during this time of the year. Even the most relaxed dog could bolt through an open gate at the explosion and hiss of fireworks.

You can’t blame them. They don’t understand.

With a few simple precautions, you can ensure you and your family have a wonderful July 4th holiday – including your furry family members.

How will you celebrate this year?

Pet BBQ Safety Tips

Summer is here, so bring on the backyard BBQs, right? There’s nothing like the camaraderie of being outdoors, enjoying fire-grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, of mopping up puddles of BBQ sauce with a slice of white bread, or of eating corn right off the cob. Memories are made watching children and puppy dogs bound through sprinklers at these fun summer events. To ensure every summer BBQ moment you have this summer is magical, make sure you know what the summer BBQ pet do’s & don’ts are.

Don’t Let Your Pet Near the Grill

What’s a backyard BBQ without firing up the grill? Let’s be honest…food tastes better when it’s grilled; however, grills pose a danger for cats and dogs. Whether you’re cooking on a gas, propane, or charcoal grill, open flames are dangerous and it’s important to keep the grill monitored at all times.

A curious cat can easily burn a paw (or worse) trying to bat a hotdog off the burner. Meanwhile, pouncing pups have been known to become injured (and even to knock over the entire grill) leaping to pull off a nibble while the grill master’s back is turned. Pets and humans alike can sustain injuries when grills are left unattended.

Do Keep Your Trashcan Covered

The outdoor trashcan collects a lot of rubbish from lighter fluid to bamboo skewers to meat wrappers to matches and everything in between. The lure of an open trashcan is almost too much for any dog to resist; however, your dog can’t differentiate between a meat wrapper that has lighter fluid on it versus one that doesn’t. Choking and illness are very possible when the trashcan is left open.

Do Use a Natural Insect Repellent

Humans and pets alike need to avoid insect bites during the summer (especially dogs as heartworms are carried by mosquitoes); however, repellents containing DEET are harmful to dogs. Consult your vet for something that’s pet-friendly; for example, Avon’s Skin So Soft bath oil is a known insect repellent and is recommended by many veterinarians.

Don’t Feed Your Pet These Foods from Your Plate

When the grilling is finished and it’s time to eat, it can be tempting to give your dog a nibble from your plate; however, many BBQ staples can do extreme harm to your pet.

  • If you give a dog a bone, you run a serious risk of damaging your dog’s internal organs. Cooked bones break up easier; the shards can be very dangerous once ingested.
  • Alliums (onions, garlics, chives, etc.) are known to be poisonous to dogs and will make your pet sick.
  • Corn on the cob is a choking hazard for dogs or, if ingested, can cause bowel obstruction.

That said, there are some foods that are safe—just make sure they aren’t still hot when you serve them. Such foods include:

  • Hotdogs cut into pieces
  • Grilled sweet peppers, zucchini or sweet potato
  • Lean chicken, fish, or steak (spare the spice rub, though)
  • Chilled seedless watermelon

So, there are ways for your pet to enjoy the spoils of the BBQ without getting sick; however, it’s best to advise your guests in advance what your dog can and cannot eat as well as to train your pet not to beg or to jump on the table.

Do Have a Good Time

When you know how to have a safe time at a BBQ, you can easily have a fun time. By keeping the water bowl full, feeding your pet safe snacks, attending to grill safety, and keeping the trashcan closed, you and your pet can make nothing but happy, lasting summer BBQ memories.

Between the BBQs, keep your pet’s diet balanced with Wellness Pet Foods’ all-natural foods and treats.

How CORE RawRev Compares to Similar Products

easy raw dog food diet

How Wellness CORE® RawRev™ Compares to Similar Products

How Wellness CORE RawRev dog food compares to similar products


Key Takeaways

  • High protein and carbohydrates indicate that bites are 100% meat.
  • Low fat and high protein:fat ratio indicate that bites are made with lean meat, which promotes optimal body condition.

Learn More

America’s Most Pet-Friendly Companies Revealed

  1. Kimpton Hotels (San Francisco, CA) At every Kimpton boutique hotel, the pet policy is a simple one: if the pet can fit through the hotel doors, they’re welcome to stay. At a minimum, all 60 hotels provide water bowls, treats, pet beds, toys and pooper-scooper bags. Some have Directors of Pet Relations (pets!) who greet guests and test the pet amenities.
    via Kimpton, Adela Lee

    via Kimpton, Adela Lee


  1. Tradesy (Santa Monica, CA) The peer-to-peer marketplace has over 30 dogs that come to work on a regular basis. Dog owners choose a dog “buddy” who promises to help watch or walk their pup on busy days or during meetings. They also feature a Pup of the Month and have quarterly Dog Owner Town Hall Meetings where all of the dog owners get together to plan fun events. It also offers pet insurance as part of its benefits program.
    Tradesy Pet Friendly company

    Via Tradesy


  1. Life is Good (Boston, MA; Hudson, NH) Dogs are an integral part of the day to day team at Life is Good. The company says that dogs are not only humans’ best friends, but best co-workers—they encourage employees to get up from their desk for quick breaks and connect people who otherwise might not get to know each other.
    Life is Good pet friendly company

    Via Life is Good


  1. HubSpot (Cambridge, MA)Its headquarters is dog-friendly, and you’ll often see pups wandering the halls with their owners, including the company’s CEO and his dog Romeo. This year, the software company put out a “PupSpot” calendar featuring dogs from the office, and donated a portion of the proceeds to local animal shelters.
    Hubspot Dog Friendly Office

    Via HubSpot


  1. Kurgo (Salisbury, MA) – Kurgo, which makes apparel, gear and accessories for dogs, not only allows pups in their offices, but features them on the company website, too! They include Garp, “The Escape Artist,” and Baxter, “The Office Lap Dog,” among many other pup-loyees.
    Kurgo pet friendly company

    Via Kurgo


  1. Clif Bar & Company (Emeryville, CA) The company is in its 25th year as a business, and they’ve had a dog-friendly headquarters since its start. The reason? The company says it helps employees live full, complete lives at work, creates community, and helps people save time and money.
    Clif Bar Dog Friendly Office

    Via Clif Company


  1. Etsy (Brooklyn, NY) Its dog-friendly office policy has been in place since Etsy began in 2005, and it’s one of the ways the company strives to maintain a casual, creative, and inspiring work environment. The online marketplace says it keeps spirits high and fosters a sense of community and connection.
    Etsy pet friendlty company

    Via Etsy, Emily Andrews


  1. The Nerdery (Minneapolis, MN) In addition to allowing dogs in the company’s headquarters in Minneapolis and across offices in Phoenix, Chicago and Kansas City, the software company is also committed to pets in need. The Nerdery Foundation has had the opportunity to create pro-bono websites for 207 nonprofit organizations, including 10 pet-focused nonprofits.
    Nerdery pet friendly company

    Via Nerdery, Mark Ross


  1. Bitly (New York City) All of Bitly’s offices, in New York, San Francisco and Denver, are dog friendly on Take Your Dog to Work Day and every day of the year.
    Bitly pet friendly company

    Via Bitly

Pet Sitters International launched Take Your Dog to Work Day® in 1999 to celebrate the great companions dogs make and to promote their adoptions.

Common Cancer Symptoms in Dogs and Cats

Pet Cancer Prevention

50% of senior dogs develop cancer. The number isn’t quite as high for cats but it does happen.
Like with people, there are a variety of cancers that can affect your beloved pet and as you probably know, many cancers can be treated if caught early.

May is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, so it makes sense to share a few cancer symptoms that pet lovers should be aware of.

There are a few symptoms that specifically skew toward cancer which I’ll share in a moment. Unfortunately, the other cancer symptoms can seem a little generic – weight loss, change in energy levels, etc. so don’t panic if your pet shows these signs, but do make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your pet evaluated.

3 Typical Cancer Symptoms

1—Unusual lumps and bumps – one common cancer for both dogs and cats is lymphoma, this is a cancer of the lymph nodes which are located throughout your pet’s body. The lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system which works to filter toxic substances out of the body.

 checking dog for bump

Individual lymph nodes can swell up to be the size of golf balls so they can be very noticeable. In cats, lymphoma is linked to feline leukemia virus. There’s a vaccination against feline leukemia, which can protect your cat.

2—Visible sores on the skin – mast cell cancer is a type of skin cancer that can create noticeable lesions on your pet’s body. Now, since skin problems is one of those “generic” concerns that can mean all kinds of things, you’ll want a specialist to evaluate your pet. Plus, since this is a kind of cancer with multiple classifications, finding out what you’re dealing with is your best shot.

3—Unusual bleeding – whether from the eyes, nose, mouth, or in the urine, bleeding or unusual discharges are a sign of sickness.

Other possible cancer symptoms include a bad smell emanating from the body or mouth. Plus, weight loss, extreme change in energy levels – from happy and active to sluggish all the time.

Pet Cancer Prevention Tips

A healthy lifestyle can go a long way toward keeping your pet feeling great so keep them at a healthy weight, get regular exercise, and feed a quality diet. The basics are powerful.

Speaking of a healthy diet, when you include anti-inflammatory ingredients like blueberries, salmon, and other good-for-your-pet ingredients in your pet’s diet, you can reduce inflammation. As you may know, inflammation is a leading cause of disease.

Now that you know some of the typical pet cancer symptoms, you can keep an eye on your pet and make a note of any unusual behavior. As always, regular wellness visits with your veterinarian can help catch cancers and other diseases early. Twice a year visits for pets 8 and older is recommended unless your vet says otherwise.

Why Do Cats Seem More Finicky Than Dogs When it Comes to Food?

By Pam Johnson-Bennett

Finicky Cat

Pam Johnson-Bennett is a certified cat behavior consultant, best-selling author of 10 books and host of Animal Planet UK’s Psycho Kitty. With the release of her latest book, CatWise, she is currently on the national CatWise Cat Cafe Tour presented by Wellness.

Cartoons and social media memes often portray the finicky feline image. It’s common to see the picture of a cat turning his nose up at the vast array of food his loving cat parent has set out for him in a desperate attempt to please the picky kitty. You don’t see those images of dogs very much at all though. Fido comes running at record speed, leaping over furniture to get to his bowl of food, no matter what kind is being served. So, are some cats really finicky? If so, what contributes to the behavior? Here are some reasons why it may happen and what you can do to help prevent the behavior.

Cats are Creatures of Habit

Finicky eating may happen as a result of a sudden change in meals. Cats take comfort in familiarity and that applies to just about everything in their life – territory, the litter box, where they sleep, and yes, their food. When a cat goes to his food bowl he expects the meal to smell and taste the same as previous meals. Even the texture of the food is important. If you make a drastic change, especially going from one particular texture to an entirely different one, it can be enough of a curveball to cause a cat to reject the food. Changes should be done gradually by adding a little of the new food into the current one so your cat has time to adjust.

I’ve seen cat parents buy so many brands of food and then open a new kind every day in the hope that kitty will like the latest and greatest flavor. What usually happens though is that the cat gets stressed and confused by all the drastic and abrupt change.

Cats are Hunters and not Scavengers

A cat uses his nose to detect the temperature of food to determine whether it’s fresh. His nose is an important tool in pre-tasting a potential meal. For a cat who must rely on his hunting skills for food, this is an important safety feature to help ensure that he doesn’t accidentally ingest spoiled food. Your cat uses that same safety feature even though his meal is conveniently served to him. If food is left out too long, however, a cat will often reject it because it no longer smells or tastes fresh. This can be the case if you place wet food down for your cat to nibble on at his convenience. He may not come to the feeding station right away and by the time he does make his way there, the food may be too dry or hard. This mistake can even be made with dry food if a mound of it is left in the bowl for so long or if you just top it off without ever emptying uneaten food. If it has been sitting too long, it goes stale.

Don’t serve cold food straight from the refrigerator. The temperature is uncomfortable for the cat’s stomach and it also won’t release enticing aromas. Cold food is a common contributor to finicky eating, as is heating food in the microwave to an unsafe temperature.

Bribery, Begging and Bad Choices

Finicky eating may also develop if you’ve fed your cat from the dining table. Why should kitty eat his own food when he can get his fill of rich, spicy food off your plate? Feeding your cat from the table means he won’t have enough of an appetite for his own food. In addition to finicky eating, this type of behavior also means the cat won’t be getting the appropriate nutrients and may even be getting foods that are harmful to him.

Some cat parents try to entice their cats back to the food bowl by mixing in bits of tasty food from the table. What often happens is that the cat starts eating around his food instead.

Stressful Mealtime

In nature, a hunter makes sure he’s in a safe location before he begins to eat. That precaution is necessary for survival and even the most pampered indoor cat has that instinct as well. Mealtime should be a time of security, calm and safety. If the feeding station is located in a chaotic area of the house, the cat may not feel comfortable to sit and finish his meal or maybe he’ll develop the habit of just nibbling now and then when the coast appears to be clear.

Stress can also be related to the type of food bowl you use. A bowl that’s too narrow may cause discomfort to his sensitive whiskers if they get bent or squished. The cat may develop the habit of paw-dipping to get food.

If you have a multicat household, it’s very important to ensure the feeding station for each cat provides safety and peace. If there’s tension between the cats or if one cat intimidates at the food bowl, it can create a situation where a more timid cat may become a finicky eater.

Cats have a social structure but they’re not social eaters the way people are. We love to gather around the table and socialize as we dine, but for cats, the security of the resource is more important. To help encourage healthy appetites and stress-free dining, make sure each cat has their own food bowl and don’t place them close together. In some cases, you may even need to have multiple feeding stations in various locations in the home or feed on different levels. For example, if an older cat has started to reject his food because he prefers the taste of his new companion’s kitten formula food then you must make sure to either supervise during mealtime or feed the cats separately. If the older cat is not as mobile, you might be able to feed the kitten in an elevated location.

The key is to evaluate your specific set-up, pay attention to the dynamics between your cats and make adjustments to create a more peaceful mealtime.

Feeding Station Maintenance

Dirty food or water bowls can contribute to finicky eating. Remember, cats rely on their noses to determine if food is safe. Even fresh food won’t taste fresh if it’s placed in a dirty bowl or if it’s sitting next to the water bowl that has bits of old food floating in it. Wash the food bowl after every meal and clean up any food spills. Wash the water bowl every day and replenish it with fresh water.

Negative Associations

For some people, the thought of medicating the cat brings images of engaging in feline wrestling while trying to avoid becoming the target of a sharp claw or tooth. To make it easier, the cat parent may try to disguise the medication in the food. Sadly, this practice often backfires because the cat’s incredibly sensitive nose is often able to detect the food manipulation before the first bite. If the cat does start to eat, the medicine may ruin the taste of the food enough to cause future rejection. Some pills, for example, are very bitter and meant to be swallowed intact so the protective coating can remain until the medicine reaches the cat’s stomach. It’s very sad to see a cat no longer want to eat the food he has always loved because of this unpleasant association.

If you have to medicate your cat and are unable to do it, talk to your veterinarian about other options. Your veterinarian or veterinary technician can show you several techniques for administering medicine. There are also soft treats available that are manufactured specifically to hide pills. Some medications can be compounded into transdermal forms or can be flavored with tastes that are cat-appealing. Don’t resort to hiding medication in food.

How to Tell if Your Cat is Happy With her Food

cat happy with food

Pam Johnson-Bennett is a certified cat behavior consultant, best-selling author of 10 books and host of Animal Planet UK’s Psycho Kitty. With the release of her latest book, CatWise, she is currently on the national CatWise Cat Cafe Tour presented by Wellness.

Are you unsure whether your cat likes her food? Maybe you can’t figure out what her body language is saying as you prepare and serve the meal? Here are some signs that indicate your cat is giving her seal of approval. Keep in mind that your cat may not do all the following behaviors, especially if she is not as mobile, has a medical condition or impairment. Every cat is an individual but the following list sums up the typical behaviors cats show when they’re happy and content with their food.

  • Your cat instantly appears when you’re preparing food. No matter where she is in the house, she suddenly shows up when you open the can, pouch or bag of food.
  • As you prepare food, your cat weaves around your legs, reaches up and stretches against you or even jumps on the kitchen counter in anxious anticipation.
  • Your cat purrs or meows as food is being prepared.
  • She does a “happy” walk to the bowl with an upright tail. There’s no slinking body posture or hesitation.
  • She may chirp or let out a happy “mew” as she heads to the bowl.
  • The cat’s ears are forward or relaxed but not pinned back or in “airplane wing” position.
  • There is no hesitation to eat. She may sniff for a second or two and then indulge in her meal.
  • There is no walking away or head-turning after sniffing the food.
  • She doesn’t cry or issue a complaining meow.
  • The cat will have a relaxed body posture while eating.
  • The cat’s tail is not thrashing or thumping the ground.
  • There is no growling while eating.
  • If you’ve fed the appropriate amount, the bowl will be left clean.
  • The cat who likes her meal will not eat around certain ingredients.
  • The cat is obviously thriving.


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